


    "Secure & Decentralize Your Future"

    Podcast Series

    ConscienceLAND's McMaster Institute supports and contributes to the development of Coaches, Ambassadors, Planetpreneurs and Planetspeakers on SDGx.LIVE , collaborating toward a more Sustainable World Order



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    I am a global advocate for building civilizational good

    Regarded as “The conscience of decentralization”, my life's work is to balance Society, Environment and Economy.
    I have lived and traveled in many countries and spent the last few years in Canada, Switzerland, the UK, Germany, Tunisia, Egypt, Dubai and Hong Kong.
    My experience spans expeditions and adventure sports, social movements, I was an early adopter of “desktop” publishing, internet innovation & experimentation, a digital photographer, model and movie actor, VP communications for international spaceport launch facilities, teaching MBA’s to be Planetpreneurs (not sociopaths) and since 2013, I have been an advocate of using decentralization and AI to
    Heal Ourselves,
    Heal our Communities,
    Heal the EARTH.


    I am committed to solving the Decentralized Global Goals (SDGx) and privileged to have explored extensive regions of the Western world, Africa, Middle East Asia and the Global South.
    I have been on ConscienceLAND’s World Sustainability Tour, to imagine, articulate and share a decentralized world, receptive to the accountability of an authentic, trustless
    Sustainable World Order.


    Originally from the mountains of Quebec, Canada, I love to rollerblade through communities I visit, sharing the “Peace Plus One” 3 finger Sustainability Symbol as a token of friendship.
  • World Sustainability Tour

    ConscienceLAND is about discovering a better world under our feet.

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    The Emerging Network Society

    Around the planet, networks of citizens are learning how to SURVIVE, THRIVE and ESCAPE the MATRIX!



    Here's your chance to secure your place in the history of your family, friends, community and the planet:

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    COY 19 & COP29

    (Click on Image to see Instagram Welcome)

    The world's opportunity for Cease Fire is focused on Azerbaijan, along with climate financing and the emerging importance of the Global South included in deciding the fate of civilization.


    "Citizenship As A Service"

    Find a job or become a mentor in ConscienceLAND:

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    Choose the Right Side of History

    (click image for OCT3 Newsletter)

    Our democracies are failing us, our leaders are beholden to un-elected powers and our homes are occupied and being destroyed.


    The old centralized choices presented are no longer working for us -



    Every choice we make now has huge consequences for our children, our civilization and our planet.

    Get involved in saving your way of life:


    Popular Impressions...

    “Philip embodies and communicates that Vital, Life-force Energy we're all seeking.”


    - Anita -

  • Join the FUN -

    Choose your Global Membership Level of Access:

    FREE to $3.33

    As the old world abandons us, we Start Building ConscienceLAND online and offline, with New Friends to enjoy a LOHHAS* Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability

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    World Sustainability Cafe


    Find your local LOHHAS Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness .

    - mailing list & access to Gaia Catalog of sustainable People, Places & Products


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    Become a Social SUSTAINIE for less than the cost of a "Coffee" per month...






    Invitation to Online/Offline socializing:

    "Meet the Sustainies"

    "Change Wednesday"


    Unlocked Access to ConscienceCollege




    Earn Emotipoints in the ConscienceLARP Live Action Role Playing game,

    Video guides and more!


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    Become an ACTIVE COACH for Fun & Profit at less than the cost of a "Coffee" each week...




    Sustainability Coach


    Sustainie benefits + special access to Planetpreneur Sustainability Validator program :


    3 DAY COURSE & Certification Unlocked.


    Access to SDGx.LIVE

    McMaster Institute ConscienceCollege

    group coaching,

    GaiaPlots, CyberDomains, de-centralized $monetization$ packages and more!

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    Unlock your ConscienceLAND Ambassador, PlanetSpeaker and Planetpreneur status for the small investment of a Cup of Coffee per day...





    AMBASSADOR Package:


    All the Bronze & Silver Sustainie and Coach benefits PLUS unlock access to:

    McMaster Institute private coaching

    including training as a PlanetSpeaker in ConscienceLAND.


    Including "Inside Circle" Welcome Bonus care package!


  • In Personal Service to YOU & Community


    ConscienceLAND's McMaster Institute:

    The Ultimate, Authentic "Sustainable Development Accelerator"


    (A) Become a Pioneer, Building the 3 Finger Friendship Network


    (B) Accelerate Your Business with Personal Coaching & Consulting  


    (C) Let me help you motivate and inspire the world toward peace and prosperity

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    McMaster Institute

    Planetpreneur Club

    Sustainable Business Coaching & Consultation Club

    $33.33 (USD)

    per month

    from $33 /mo. Personalized ESG /SDG/CSR/ISR advisory for young startups (less than 15 people, or <1M USD turn-over), and

    customized sustainability consultation to boardrooms, senior management staff, workshops and advisory for established companies

    seeking alignment with sustainable market evolution.

    • This is includes a Special Discount Membership to Council Members & Fellows of the McMaster Institute and guests, sponsors & contributors appearing on SDGx.LIVE and in the Gaia Catalog
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    "The Future We Want"

    Keynotes, Ambassadors, Presenters, Guests & Panelists for Podcasts, Conferences, Workshops

    $333. (USD) and up

    per event, depending on speaker

    • Global Speaker, UN, TEDx, TOP Universities, Decentralized Industries.
    • Supporter and promoter of Sustainability-Related Podcasters, Book Authors, Visionaries, Educators and & Intentional Communities
    • Inquire about sponsorship for travel accommodation and speaking Fees.
    • Co-Founding Host SDGx.LIVE


    Join the SDGx.LIVE Podcast Ecosystem NOW to Learn from the Best,


    Be Eligible for Citizenship,

    Receive ESG Consultation,

    Sustainability Coaching,

    Rewards and a Personalized Plan.


    Get instant access to tons of History, Data, FAQ's and resources.


    Be ahead of the curve, crowd & competition!

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